Managing the COVID Crisis: How Japan is beating COVID-19

  • 12 Jun 2020
  • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Webinar

This event if organized by the Japan Society of Northern California.

As countries around the world manage the unprecedented crisis of COVID-19, Japan has taken a unique approach that has so far kept fatalities to levels far below those of Europe and the US without mandating a lockdown of the society and the economy. Please join us on June 12 (Tokyo June 13) to hear former Japanese Consul General to San Francisco Tomochika Uyama, Director General at the Prime Minister’s Office for the Coronavirus Countermeasures, and Professor Hitoshi Oshitani from the Department of Virology at Tohoku University and member of the Government’s Advisory Panel on COVID-19, explain how Japan achieved this success. Their presentation will be based on the findings of a new experts’ committee report co-authored by Professor Oshitani that definitively examines Japan’s response to the virus to discover how the country was able to minimize fatalities and what could be done better.

The lessons Americans can learn from examples in other countries that so far have successfully managed the COVID-19 threat, such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, will be critically important as we enter the next phase of gradual opening up of society and the economy. Please join us for this very important program featuring former Consul General Uyama, who is such a good friend of the Bay Area.

日本はアメリカともヨーロッパとも違う新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を阻止する戦略を進めてきました。前サンフランシスコ総領事、そして、現在は内閣官房 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策本部事務局審議官 内閣審議官を務める宇山智哉氏に、日本のコロナ対策について語っていただきます。また、政府の対策チームでリーダーを務める、東北大学大学院の感染症対策のスペシャリスト、押谷仁教授に日本が進んだ瀬戸際の攻防ついての最新情報を解説していただきます。(英語プログラム:参加無料)

For full information about the event and registration, please click here.

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