We are pleased to announce that Toronto Shokokai (Toronto Japanese Association of Commerce & Industry) and The Japan Society are co-organizing an evening seminar, Update on Canadian Energy Industry, in cooperation with Dentons Canada LLP.
Dentons Canada LLP is a leading law firm with diverse expertise in the energy and infrastructure sector. This presentation will be an interactive session focusing on key recent developments in Canada’s energy industry and the legal and regulatory requirements that are relevant to Japanese businesses wishing to do business in Canada. Drawing on the expertise and experience of leading lawyers in the industry, we will present an overview of relevant areas of interest and concern.
Date: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017
Time: 6:10pm – 8:30pm (Registration starts at 5:45pm)
Location: Dentons Canada LLP office
(77 King Street West, TD North Tower, Floor 5)
Cost: Free of charge
Presenters: Mr. Vivek Bakshi, Ms. Helen Newland, Ms. Martha Harrison, Ms. Meredith James, and Mr. Christian Orton from Dentons Canada LLP.
1) General Energy Update by Vivek Bakshi and Helen Newland
2) Trade Issues and U.S. Implications on NAFTA by Martha Harrison
3) Impact of Current US Policy on “Cap and Trade” by Meredith James
5:45 – 6:10 pm Registration
6:10 – 6:50 pm Presentation
6:50 – 7:15 pm Q & A
7:15 – 8:15 pm Reception with light refreshments provided by Dentons
8:15 – 8:30 pm Closing-time
Please refer to the attached file for the overview of presentations and the presenters’ biographies.
Bios - 2017 Update on Energy Industry in Canada (Trump Edition).pdf
How to register: Please email your name, organization, and title to admin@japansocietycanada.com by Friday, April 28, 2017.
We are very pleased to advise that this presentation is being co-hosted by Toronto Shokokai and The Japan Society, with the co-operation of the Japan External Trade Organization, the Canada–Japan Society of Toronto, and the Consulate General of Japan in Toronto.